Young Learners and Teens Teaching BOOSTER!
Intensive teacher training course
November 22-23, 2019 / Moscow / 09:30
Chris Roland is a teacher trainer based at ELI, a language school in Seville, Spain. He is known for his lively and highly practical sessions on the international conference circuit.

With twenty years' experience in the classroom, he has taught in both the private academy sector and mainstream education system in Spain as well as holding posts with the British Council in Damascus and Barcelona.

He works with teachers across a wide range of contexts: at inhouse level, as tutor on the Trinity Certificate and Diploma courses and in conjunction with local education authorities. He still teaches regular weekly classes to young learners, teens and adults and his talks are rich in examples of student work as well as anecdotes from his lessons.
His ELTon nominated methodology book: Understanding Teenagers in the ELT Classroom, has recently been published by Pavilion. He has also contributed numerous
articles to English Teaching Professional magazine over the last decade.
Chris has recently given intensive courses both in Moscow and Ekaterinburg, organised by Anna Lebedeva under the Luxury Teacher banner, and he has twice previously appeared in Saratov for ELT Trends. He is also the co-moderator for the ELT Trends Festival (Moscow Nov 2-3). The programme you see here consists of two days of new material almost none of which has been workshopped in Russia before.
Training outline
This will be two full days of new material for teens and primary, guaranteed to give your teaching a
We shall troubleshoot our way out of common challenges in lessons with teenagers and even more
importantly, think about how to enjoy our time in class with them. We shall also look at seizing the
moment and taking every opportunity, however small, to teach our adolescent learners words and
sentences in English.
With primary levels we shall look at connecting language to classroom events, at improvising so we can incorporate unexpected occurrences into our teaching and at the underlying principles that make or break activities.
There will be a workshop on how to make on-the-spot adjustments to differentiate for struggling
learners and advanced ones within the same class, for primary and teens, and we shall round off the two days with a monster Q & A session – so start getting those questions ready!
Timetable November 22-23, 2019
DAY 1, November 22
  • 09:30 – 10:00 Participant registration.
  • 10:00 11:15 Bob's your uncle! Practical problem solving for teachers of teens.
    • [Teens. Session not previously given in Russia]
  • Break
  • 11:45 13:00 You, little children and some English.
    • [Primary. Session not previously given in Russia]
  • Lunch time
  • 14:00 – 15:30 A short workshop on differentiation.
    • [Primary & Teens. Session not previously given in Russia]
  • Break
  • 16:00 17:00 Booyaka! Teaching teens and ENJOYING it!
    • [Teens. Session not previously given in Russia]

Day 2, November 23

  • 10:00-11:15 Things that might make a difference on ELT Groundhog Day…
    • [Teens. Session will be given at the ELT Trends Fest 2019, Moscow. This version will be a recap but will contain additional material]
  • Break
  • 11:45-13:00 Listening to the penny drop!
    • [Primary. Session not previously given in Russia]
  • Lunch time
  • 14:00-15:15 Scar Tissue: teaching over old wounds.
    • [Teens. Session not previously given in Russia]
  • Break
  • 15:45-17:00 Reactive training/Q & A session
    • [Primary & Teens. Participants will be invited to field questions on any classroom issues as well as any unanswered queries related to the previous workshops]
YL and Teens teaching BOOSTER!
День 1
22 ноября 2019
6500 руб
  • участие в тренинге
  • сертификат
День 2
23 ноября 2019
6500 руб
  • участие в тренинге
  • сертификат
День 1 + День 2
22 и 23 ноября 2019
12000 руб
  • участие в тренинге
  • сертификат
Click to order
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All participants will receive ELT Trends attendance certificates with title of the course and number of hours for no additional fee.
Conference venue / Место проведения конференции
Vega Izmailovo Hotel
105613, Moscow, 71 Izmaylovskoye highway 3v
Partizanskaya metro station

Отель "Вега Измайлово"
105613, Москва, Измайловское шоссе 71, 3В
ст. метро «Партизанская»
Отель "Вега Измайлово" предоставляет скидку 30% участникам ноябрьских мероприятий:
- Hugh Dellar (01 ноября)
- ELT Trends Fest 2019 (2-3 ноября)
- Chris Roland (22-23 ноября)
на бронирование номеров в период с 30 октября по 04 ноября 2019 и с 20 по 24 ноября.
Для получения промо-кода, отправьте запрос на адрес

For participants special arrangements have been made with Vega Izmailovo Hotel.
To get a 30% discount on accommodation, claim your promo code - write to the following email:
This offer is valid also for those staying in Moscow two days before or after the event for sightseeing purposes.
Contact us
Call us (12.00-21.00 Moscow time):
+7927 223 56 31 (Россия) Ксения Слепынцева
+382 69 918 676 (Черногория) Араик Арзуманян
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