ELT conference for teachers, managers and teacher trainers

November 2-3

ELT Trends Fest


Конференция для учителей английского языка и руководителей языковых школ

500+ participants

23 professional speakers
5 tracks
3 panel discussions
2 days

Magister Confusus:

Teaching in the Post Teacher-Centred, Post Method, 'Digital Humanism' Era.
There was a time when a learner of English had to rely almost solely on what went on within the classroom walls - but that was before the dawn of the digital age with an abundance of information outside the classroom bringing about dramatic, incessant changes in the English language teaching and learning milieu.

In this wildly changing landscape of 'digital humanism' many, if not all, zeitgeist teaching methods seem to be fading away, with new reliable methods and approaches seemingly nowhere in sight.
This big shift in ELT paradigm brings pedagogical experimentation and excitement to a lot of teachers. However, many, if not most, are arguably confused and even somewhat disturbed.
This event will endeavour to capture a wide range of timely themes and issues in current English language teaching and learning, and we hope our speakers and participants will contribute to the understanding of the best current ELT principles and practices and be able to respond to some of the pressing challenges we are facing these days.
November 2-3, 2019

ELT Trends Fest

Schedule / Расписание
All the Teaching tracks are in English. The Business track is in Russian.
Стоимость участия
Day 1 OR Day 2

4500 RUB
Sessions attendance


Conference package

of participation

Presentation files
Day 1 AND Day 2

7500 RUB
Sessions attendance


Conference package

of participation

Presentation files
ELT as Business
Day 2

8500 RUB
Sessions attendance


Conference package

of participation

Presentation files
All Sessions
Two Days

9900 RUB
Sessions attendance


Conference package

of participation

Presentation files
Предложение о сотрудничестве
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Участие в конференции 2-3 ноября 2019
Секция для учителей
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Chris, well known in the ELT sphere as the 'Ideas Man', writes and speaks on various aspects of methodology in teaching teens and young learners. His first methodology book, Understanding Teenagers in the ELT Classroom has been shortlisted for the ELTon Award.

Chris works with teachers across a range of contexts including as tutor for the Trinity Diploma. He enjoys thinking about things that work and do not work in classrooms, the limitations of classes and the way that teachers and students talk to each other.

Chris Roland
Co-moderator of the event

Kseniya Slepintseva
Co-moderator of the event
Kseniya is a teacher based in Saratov. Currently, she is holding a position of the Director of Nova School of English group of schools, that celebrates its 12th anniversary this year.

Kseniya has been working in various organising teams of ELT conferences and TEDx talks. Her areas of professional interests are CPD and local professional community, educational management, teaching young and very young learners.
Tatiana Abakumova is a teacher, Deputy Director at Moscow International Academy chain of language schools and a teacher trainer. She has been involved in English teaching since 2005 teaching adult learners, from beginners to advanced.

Since 2011 she has been in Academic Management mostly, running chains of language schools, organizing seminars and training for teachers and language summer camps for children and adults both in Russia and in the UK. Her professional interests include implementing the Lexical approach in the EFL classroom, educational management and in-house continuous professional development for English teachers.

Tatiana Abakumova
Co-moderator of the event

Ray Carleni
Co-moderator of the event
Ray is a Montenegro-based English teacher, educational entrepreneur and organiser of the ELT Trends. He is founder of Nova Anglia Summer Camp in Montenegro, founder of Nova School of English group of schools and co-founder of English as a Native Language Project in Russia (preschool immersion program).

He has worked in the ELT field for over 20 years, gave ELT conference talks, mainly on teaching very young learners, as well as two TEDx talks.
Conference venue / Место проведения конференции
Vega Izmailovo Hotel
105613, Moscow, 71 Izmaylovskoye highway 3v
Partizanskaya metro station

Отель "Вега Измайлово"
105613, Москва, Измайловское шоссе 71, 3В
ст. метро «Партизанская»

Отель "Вега Измайлово" предоставляет скидку 30% участникам ноябрьских мероприятий:
- Hugh Dellar (01 ноября)
- ELT Trends Fest 2019 (2-3 ноября)
- Chris Roland (22-23 ноября)
на бронирование номеров в период с 30 октября по 04 ноября 2019 и с 20 по 24 ноября.
Для получения промо-кода, отправьте запрос на адрес info@elttrends.com

For participants special arrangements have been made with Vega Izmailovo Hotel.
To get a 30% discount on accommodation, claim your promo code - write to the following email: info@elttrends.com
This offer is valid also for those staying in Moscow two days before or after the event for sightseeing purposes.
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  • +382 69 918 676 (Черногория) Араик Арзуманян
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