British Culture and Advanced English Language

Lexical Lab Seminar
November 1, 2019 / Moscow / 09:30
Hugh Dellar is a London-based teacher and teacher trainer with over twenty years experience in the field. He has taught all ages and levels, both in the UK and also in Indonesia, where he lived for four years.

He worked for University of Westminster for 18 years, but is now the co-founder of Lexical Lab and has recently co-written the methodology book Teaching Lexically for Delta Publishing. He is the co-author of General English course book series: Innovations, Outcomes and Perspectives published by National Geographic Learning, as well as numerous papers and articles for many ELT publications
Seminar outline
A one-day exploration of the hottest topics in British culture, and a fresh look at the language used to describe them. This seminar is aimed at English language teachers and learners with an advanced level of English. It will give you confidence and familiarity with some current issues, stereotypes, cultural and political figures and recent events in Britain.

The focus is largely on modern culture, although there is also some historical content too. The seminar combines discussions and lectures. There will be plenty of space for cross-cultural comparisons and for questions, and plenty of opportunities to expand your vocabulary
Check it's the course for you:
I am a English teacher or learner with advanced English level
I am primarily interested in learning more about UK culture and some related language
I am happy to get some tips and materials for my class but that's not my main goal
I am happy to have lectures and workshops – not a pure language focus.
Timetable November 1, 2019
  • 09:30 – 10:00 Participant registration.
  • 10:00 – 11:30 Session One: Common UK cultural stereotypes and British identity
  • In the first session, we'll explore common cultural stereotypes and the role they play in the creation of British identities. We'll look at regional identities and how different areas perceive each other, and the many different ways that British people now see themselves. Inevitably, this will also mean touching on Brexit.
  • 11:30 – 12:00 Break
  • 12:00– 13:30 Session Two: Royal family and influence
  • In the next ninety minutes, we'll explore some of the more recent royal hot topics. This will range from the death of Diana and the way she's come to be seen in the country to recent scandalous responses to Meghan Markle and the new royal baby. We'll trace changing attitudes to the royals and look briefly at the debates around their role.
  • 13:30 – 14:30 Lunch time
  • 15:00–16:30 Session Three: Family & Women in UK society
  • In this session after lunch, we'll look at the changing nature of family life in Britain, the slow decline of the nuclear family and the growth of alternative family units. We'll also be tackling the main issues facing women in British society and looking at some ways these issues have been addressed of late.
  • 16:30 – 17:00 Break
  • 17:00–18:00 Session Four: Myth and Nostalgia
  • In the final session, we'll consider some of the key myths Britain tells itself about what the nation is - and isn't. We'll consider the psychological fallout that winning wars and losing empires has had on us, and what stories we hold on to for comfort in an uncertain, fast-changing world.
  • 18:00 – 18:30 Open Q&A
  • 18:30 – 19:00 Networking
All participants will receive Lexical Lab attendance certificates with title of the course and number of hours for no additional fee.
Участие в семинаре 1 ноября 2019
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Conference venue / Место проведения конференции
Vega Izmailovo Hotel
105613, Moscow, 71 Izmaylovskoye highway 3v
Partizanskaya metro station

Отель "Вега Измайлово"
105613, Москва, Измайловское шоссе 71, 3В
ст. метро «Партизанская»
Отель "Вега Измайлово" предоставляет скидку 30% участникам ноябрьских мероприятий:
- Hugh Dellar (01 ноября)
- ELT Trends Fest 2019 (2-3 ноября)
- Chris Roland (22-23 ноября)
на бронирование номеров в период с 30 октября по 04 ноября 2019 и с 20 по 24 ноября.
Для получения промо-кода, отправьте запрос на адрес

For participants special arrangements have been made with Vega Izmailovo Hotel.
To get a 30% discount on accommodation, claim your promo code - write to the following email:
This offer is valid also for those staying in Moscow two days before or after the event for sightseeing purposes.
Contact us
Call us (12.00-21.00 Moscow time):
+7927 223 56 31 (Россия) Ксения Слепынцева
+382 69 918 676 (Черногория) Араик Арзуманян
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