"Обучение билингвальных детей в семье"

"Raising Bilingual Kids at Home"

21 Апреля 2019
10.30 – 18.00


"Англомамы, англопапы и учителя"
Родители, самостоятельно обучающие билигвальных и мультилингвальных детей дома, сталкиваются со множеством проблемных вопросов, требующих своевременного и эффективного решения.
Если не всегда возможно избежать многих проблем, то практически всегда можно найти подходы для их решения.

Наши спикеры - англомамы, англопапы и учителя, работающие с маленькими детьми, поделятся с вами своим опытом в вопросе решения наиболее часто встречающихся проблем.
Parents face a large number of challenges while raising and instructing bilingual children. Are there plausible ways to avoid them? Not likely. Are there ways to prepare for them? Definitely yes.

Our speakers will present and discuss some most common problems and suggest ways to deal with them. We hope that not only the talks, workshops, Q&A sessions but also breaks and the final networking event will contribute to discussions to explore questions in more detail to find ways to deal with some challenges.
Biodata and sessions
Maria is a bilingual teacher, linguist and founder of Bilingual Learning Club. She has been teaching in bilingual schools, home school groups and ESL courses for over 10 years. Her experience with bilingual children and having grown up bilingual herself have made it possible for her to consult parents on issues of bilingualism and second language acquisition in early childhood. Her language center, Bilingual Learning Club provides extracurricular classes in different subjects in English and Spanish to children ages 3-11. Maria is also the proud mother of two children, whom she is raising in two languages.
Maria Belevantseva
Session: One Parent, Two Languages
Many have heard that the one-parent-one-language method is the only way to raise a bilingual child. While this method is works for some people, it also raises some problems, for example, which language do the parents speak to each other? What about single-parent families? What if there isn't enough exposure to the minority language if the parent speaking the language doesn't spend a lot of time with the child due to work or other reasons? Some parents find it stressful to stick to one language with their child, especially if it isn't their native tongue or their language of emotion.
The good news is that OPOL isn't the only successful way of raising bilingual children. In this talk I'm going to share with you how I have raised two bilingual kids using the time/context method and language rotation. I will share my experience on how to provide enough exposure to both languages, how to maximize the minority language through providing meaningful context, how to make speaking English at home fun and enjoyable for the whole family, motivation techniques and ideas of what to do when children begin to reject one of the languages.
In 2004 I gained my formal PGCE qualification and started off as a secondary school teacher in Britain. Wanting more, I turned towards Germany where I got my first taste at teaching English to students of all ages and abilities. During that time, I became TEFL qualified which has led me to where I am today, Russia. I have been successfully teaching in Russia for over 12 years now mainly focusing on Cambridge ESOL such as CAE and CPE and am seen as a specialist with many certificates and qualifications under my belt.
I have expanded out to train teachers on the practical side of the profession and have held my own seminars as well as speak at conferences with great success. I have felt that the teaching profession needs to move beyond the more traditional literature and methods and dedicate itself more towards those topics that can make a difference in someone's job immediately.
Paul Newson
Session: Upbringing in English: The Golden Middle
The chief aim of this presentation is to show parents the common way British parents raise their children, which is heavily reflected in the language we use. Wanting the best for our children with their linguistic development, combining Russian and British methods, we can find the so called Golden Middle: not just building our children's linguistic competence, but arousing curiosity, emotional intelligence and above all creativity – heavily nurtured through appropriate linguistic interaction. Participants will also see examples of specific structures In English that are widespread throughout the English speaking world.
Tamara is the founder & director at Baby-Bilingual Club - a language immersion program for children 2-12 y.o. that offers language development courses to children ranging from complete beginners to balanced bilinguals. Tamara is bilingual herself (Russian and English) and is currently raising 3 bilingual children.

For the past 6 years Tamara has been creating a broad range of high quality language immersion opportunities to children in Moscow including specialised trips, summer day camp programs, workshops, theatre and language courses. Tamara has a broad multicultural personal and professional experience as she lived, worked and was educated various countries.
Tamara Sidneva
Session: Creating language rich exposure environment
Language interactions between children and adults within and outside of the family shape language development. Therefore context and types of language input is critical to language development.
In this talk I will describe and discuss different ways of creating language-rich environment for children. An overview of types of input & language-rich exposure opportunities will be provided.
The questions of quality vs. quantity (input frequency, age of first regular language exposure) will be explored.
We will also touch upon the topic of formal vs. informal language stimulation, different strategies/ input requirements for different ages.
Some real life examples from my extensive experience as a language-program owner will be provided as well.
Лингвист, преподаватель английского языка и мама двоих детей-билингвов.
Обучалась на тренингах для преподавателей в Ирландии и Великобритании.
Постоянно повышает квалификацию в области Teaching Very Young Learners.
Преподавала английский язык в школе и вузе с 2005 года.

С 2012 года основная сфера профессиональных интересов – билингвизм и обучение английскому языку детей дошкольного возраста.
Автор и ведущая онлайн-проекта для учителей и родителей English4mybaby, а также тренингов и курсов для англомам.
Nadezhda Korn
Session: Мама, говори по-русски!
Многие родители, мечтающие вырастить ребенка билингвом или просто дать ему уверенную языковую базу, сталкиваются с протестом. Ребенок нередко начинает сопротивляться, не хочет говорить по-английски и ярко проявляет негативные чувства. Родители не знают, как реагировать: усилить напор и заставить малыша заниматься и говорить, а может, наоборот, не настаивать и прекратить занятия.
Я воспитываю двоих своих билингвальных детей и обучаю методике занятий с малышами других мам. Я сталкивалась с детским протестом как на своем личном опыте, так и на опыте моих учениц.
Мы поговорим о том, что чаще всего является причиной сопротивления ребенка и как это предотвратить. А также о том, что делать, если ребенок уже демонстрирует негативный настрой и нежелание заниматься.
Я мама маленького билингва, ему 3,5 года. У нас обычная московская семья, постоянно работающий папа (а теперь и я), нет англоговорящих родственников.
По образованию я инженер, работаю по специальности и к обучению языкам по роду своей деятельности не имею никакого отношения. Тем не менее, когда Феде было 1,5 года, а мой уровень владения языком был подзабытый pre-intermediate, мы начали жить на двух языках.
К моменту моего выхода из декрета, в Федины три года, он разговаривал на английском развернутыми фразами, а мой языковой уровень вырос до upper-intermediate. Сейчас ребенку комфортно говорить как по-русски, так и по-английски, оба языка у него развиваются гармонично.
Maria Shulgina
Session: Билингвами не рождаются!
Билингвами не рождаются!
В этой презентации мы рассмотрим важный вопрос о том, когда лучше всего начать и как. Требует ли второй язык в раннем возрасте каких-либо жертв, больших капитальных вложений и подвигов или это совокупность маленьких ежедневных усилий? Как вписать новый язык в свою жизнь? Мы также поговорим про некоторые мифы и страхи и что делать при слабом языковом уровне родителя, про задержку речи, логопедические проблемы, и советы людей со стороны.
Важный вопрос - наши ожидания и цели. Что делать если результатов нет, как исправить ситуацию? Каких результатов стоит ожидать в условиях типичной российской монолингвальной семьи?
Ray is a Montenegro-based English teacher, founder and CEO of Nova Anglia Summer Camp in Montenegro, founder of Nova School of English group of schools. Ray has worked in the ELT field for over 19 years. He grew up in Armenia where he entered Yerevan University of International Relations, and graduated in English Language and Literature from Saratov State University in Russia.
Ray takes special pride in his quadrilingual children, with whom he's been implementing the OPOL system for over 8 years now. Two of his children sat SESOL exams, his son Karlen passing A1 and A2 level, both with distinction at the age of 6 and his daughter Emmi achieving A1 level at the age of 5.
Ray Carleni
Session: Some Practical Tips for Implementing English Only (OPOL)
Teaching and raising bilingual (multilingual) children in a family setting can be quite a challenge. In a dominantly monolingual community non-native speaker parents have to deal with even more challenges. Often sharing the same mother tongue with very young learners is seen as mere disadvantage. The presenter will touch upon some bright sides of the situation.
In this session several ideas, tips and techniques will be proffered based on the presenter's classroom teaching experience as well as his experience of bringing up three multilingual children (Armenian, English, Russian, Serbian) at home.

This talk, hopefully, can be of practical use to families raising multilingual children in Russia.
Форум "Обучение билингвальных детей в семье."
21 апреля 2019, Москва.

Raising Bilingual Kids at Home Forum.
April 21, 2019, Moscow.
Форум пройдет на русском и английском языке
Апрель 21, 2019
10.30-10.50 Participants registration, complimentary welcome coffee
10.50-11.00 Opening
11.00-11.30 Мария Шульгина: Билингвами не рождаются! (In Russian)
11.30-11.40 Q&A
11.40-12.10 Надежда Корн: Мама, говори по-русски! (In Russian)
12.10-12.20 Q&A
12.20-12.30 Break
12.30-13.00 Tamara Sidneva: Creating Language Rich Exposure Environment (In English)
13.00-13.10 Q&A
13.10-14.00 Lunch time
14.00-14.10 Open Mic 1
14.10-14.40 Ray Carleni: Some Practical Tips for Implementing OPOL (In English)
14.40-14.50 Q&A
14.50-15.40 Maria Belevantseva: One Parent, Two Languages (In English)
15.40-15.50 Q&A
15.50-16.00 Break
16.00-16.05 Open Mic 2
16.05-16.50 Paul Newson: Basic Natural English Vocabulary to Use with Children (In English)
16.50-17.00 Q&A
17.00-17.20 Reflection & evaluation
17.20-17.30 Closure
17.30-18:00 Networking
Стоимость участия в форуме.
Участие в форуме
Билет на участие
3900 руб.
(до 14 апреля)
Пакет из 3-х билетов
8700 руб.
(до 14 апреля)
Сертификат ELT Trends
0 руб.
Сертификат участника от ELT Trends.
Сертификат MMA
500 руб.
Сертификат гособразца от Московской Международной Академии. Будет выписан отдельный счет.
"Moscow International Academy",
Novomoskovskaya str. 15A, building 1

"Московская Международная Академия"
Москва, Новомосковская, д.15А строение 1

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